2  Gather ACP data

2.1 Libraries

The packages we utilize are dplyr(Wickham et al. 2023) and tidyr(Wickham, Vaughan, and Girlich 2024) for data wrangling, ggplot2(Wickham 2016) for data visualization and readxl(Wickham and Bryan 2023) for reading excel files.


Function to transform from degrees to decimal

convert_dms_to_dd <- function(dms) {
  degrees <- as.numeric(gsub(".*?(\\d+)°.*", "\\1", dms))
  minutes <- as.numeric(gsub(".*?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)'.*", "\\1", dms))
  seconds <- ifelse(grepl("\"", dms), as.numeric(gsub(".*?(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\".*", "\\1", dms)), 0)
  dd <- degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600

Directories and links

DIRTOACP<- "../data_ground/met_data/ACP_data/cleanedVV"
link<- 'https://smithsonian.figshare.com/ndownloader/files/41529324'

Download the data files.Data sets provided by the Meteorological and Hydrological Branch of the Panama Canal Authority (Paton and Panama Canal Authority 2022).

download.file(link,destfile ="../data_ground/met_data/ACP_data/cleanedVV/Monthly_Rain_ACP_Vertical.xlsx", mode = "wb")

Read the data

ACP_data<-read_excel("../data_ground/met_data/ACP_data/cleanedVV/Monthly_Rain_ACP_Vertical.xlsx",sheet = 4)
ACP_met_stations<-read_excel("../data_ground/met_data/ACP_data/cleanedVV/Monthly_Rain_ACP_Vertical.xlsx",sheet = 2,skip = 1)
New names:
• `LAT (N)` -> `LAT (N)...6`
• `LONG (W)` -> `LONG (W)...7`
• `LAT (N)` -> `LAT (N)...8`
• `LONG (W)` -> `LONG (W)...9`
• `` -> `...12`

2.2 Clean the data

The following steps were performed in ../data_ground/met_data/ACP_data/cleanedHM. Here is the steps neccesary to output the same results.

ACP_data <- ACP_data %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = 4:ncol(.), values_to = 'monthly_precip', names_to = 'site') %>% 
  mutate(monthly_precip = if_else(monthly_precip == '-9', NA, monthly_precip)) %>% 
  mutate(monthly_precip = as.numeric(monthly_precip)) %>% 
  mutate(month_year = as.Date(paste0("1","/",Month,"/", Year), format = "%d/%m/%Y")) %>%
  select(month_year, monthly_precip, site)

Clean MET stations data frame There is a series of mutate steps that consolidates the site names between the data sheet and the metadata sheets.

ACP_met_stations <- ACP_met_stations %>% 
  select('ACP Name', 'STRI Name', 'ELE (m)', 'LAT (N)...6','LONG (W)...7','LAT (N)...8', 'LONG (W)...9') %>% 
  mutate('LAT (N)...8' = ifelse(is.na(`LAT (N)...8`),convert_dms_to_dd(`LAT (N)...6`), `LAT (N)...8`), 
        'LONG (W)...9' = ifelse(is.na(`LONG (W)...9`),convert_dms_to_dd(`LONG (W)...7`), `LONG (W)...9`)) %>%
  select('ACP Name', 'STRI Name', 'ELE (m)', 'LAT (N)...8', 'LONG (W)...9')%>%
  rename('ACP_name' = 'ACP Name', 'site' = 'STRI Name', 'Elevation' = 'ELE (m)', 'latitude' = 'LAT (N)...8', 'longitude' = 'LONG (W)...9') %>% 
  select(ACP_name,site, latitude, longitude, Elevation) %>%
  mutate(site = if_else(is.na(site) | site == "NA", ACP_name, site)) %>% 
  mutate(site = if_else(ACP_name == "Pedro Miguel", "PEDROMIGUEL", site)) %>% 
  mutate(site = if_else(ACP_name == "Pedro Miguel(LAKE)", "PEDROMIGUELLAKE", site)) %>%
  mutate(site = if_else(site == "SAN PEDRO", "SANPEDRO", site)) %>% 
  mutate(site = toupper(gsub(" ", "", site)))%>%
  mutate(site = if_else(site == "COCOLI", "CERROCOCOLI", site)) %>%
  mutate(site = if_else(site == "CHRISTOBAL", "CRISTOBAL", site)) %>%

Furthemore, we must add a missing station metadata. Also, remove rows to follow the tidy principles.

new_row <- data.frame(ACP_name = 'Palmarazo',
                      site = 'PALMARAZO',
                      latitude = 8.7336,
                      longitude = -80.6544,
                      Elevation = NA)
ACP_met_stations <- bind_rows(ACP_met_stations, new_row)

ACP_met_stations<- ACP_met_stations%>%filter(site!="DEACTIVATEDSTATIONS")%>%filter(ACP_name!="Pedro Miguel (LAKE)")

Test that we have not missed any stations

if (length(setdiff(unique(ACP_data$site), unique(ACP_met_stations$site)))>0){
    print("There are sites in the data that are not in the met stations")
} else {
    print("There are no sites in the data that are not in the met stations")
[1] "There are no sites in the data that are not in the met stations"

Save the data for later use
